Monday, November 28, 2011

Going Dutch

Those of you who know me well know that I have random conversations. Regularly.

And so it was that eating frikandel, having my very special person tell me that it's pig's brains (it is not) led to a discussion of my beloved sister's almost-wedding (the brains vs ham argument between a 7th Day Adventist family and a Baptist family led to the couple eloping), followed by comparison of Dutch and American weddings.

Dutch weddings are simple affairs, rarely proceeded by formal engagements and generally entered into once the decision has been made by a couple to have children together or for other civil reasons. We talked about how on the one hand American weddings are often monstrous, costly affairs but how some communities have customs to offset this such as a money dance that can recoup the wedding costs entirely, making the grand wedding a community affair and not a burden to either parents or newlyweds.

This led my very special person to mention that when you are invited in Holland to an American Party, it means that you are expected to bring your own refreshments of choice. It's a BYOB potluck. When I replied that in the US, Going Dutch means that everyone pays their own way, we both had a good laugh.

Tomorrow's blog (barring some startling event that bumps the topic): Pakjesavond. A lesson in the meaning of Christmas.

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