A partij is not a party. Vecht is fight (the verb), but vechtpartij isn't a fight party, it's just a fight, as -partij is a word that turns certain verbs into events.
A feest is a party and een dag is a day, but a feestdag can be partyless. The government sets feestdagen on the calendar; party planning is up to the populace.
An actuele kwestie is not an actual question, but a timely topic. The actual question would be de werkelijke vraag.
An advokaat does not advocate, except in the legal sense of pushing forward a client's case. In other matters, advocacy is the domain of een voorstander, who may or may not stand at the front, although voor is a kind of front/before/forward-type word.
A character in a book is not a karakter, although the author is likely to familiarize the reader with the karakter of the personage.
While oplossing is solution, an eventueel oplossing is not a statement of the certainty of a solution arising in time, but a statement of a solution being possible. Eventueel has nothing to do with the passage of time.
Eekhoorn sounds like "acorn", but it means squirrel. Squirrels eat de eikel, which of course is acorn.
Ruimte is room as in space but not room as in a room. A room is een kamer of course.
The police at the politiebureau sit at a bureau to do their work, but it's not a tall thing with drawers and doesn't have a slanted top.
A bad is not bad but a pool of water in which one bathes, or swims if it's a zwembad. Slecht is bad, but it can also mean barely, only not in the naked sense.
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